Disclaimer & copyright

The Pranasana website is copyrighted; you may not copy texts or images without permission.

This page explains what it means to use this website.

Is this not what you expected? Then you may want to take a look at:

Article 1 — Copyright

No part of this website may be reproduced, edited, broadcast, copied, transmitted, published, distributed, modified or posted on other websites or documents without prior written permission. All intellectual property rights in this website, including audio, video, photo and text material are reserved and any use thereof without the prior consent of Pranasana is prohibited.

Article 2 — Liability

Pranasana takes great care in the maintenance of this website. However, it is possible that information is outdated or accidentally incorrect. Pranasana therefore cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of any information. You cannot derive any rights from the information on this website.

Pranasana does not provide medical advice and no information on this website should be construed as medical advice.

Article 3 — Actuality

The information Pranasana provides on this website may be changed periodically without notice. Under no circumstances Pranasana can be held liable for damage suffered in the broadest sense, including derived damage, or damage resulting from the use or loss of data that is in any way related to the use of this website.

Article 4 — Standards of conduct

If you use the options on this site to contact Pranasana, some standards of conduct apply. Messages may not be racist, threatening, hurtful, offensive or in any way violating Dutch law.

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