This page is about the data that Pranasana collects about you when you use the services of the practice. Also you can learn about the digital security of your data and what digital data this website collects from you.
GDPR means “General Data Protection Regulation”. The Dutch equivalent of this European law is called ‘Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming’ (AVG) and this law is effective from May 25, 2018. The AVG regulates a lot for your privacy. This page is about the AVG, even though at times GDPR is mentioned. (The difference between this Dutch and European law is negligible.) These are the most important things from the AVG / GDPR:
- An organization may only keep your data that is strictly necessary for the performance of its task (i.e. as little data as possible)
- This data may only be viewed by persons with a direct relationship to that task and to the owner of the personal data
- The data may only be collected with the knowledge and consent of the owner of this data
- The data may not be kept for longer than is strictly necessary (a legal retention obligation may apply here – and that is the case with health care)
Why does Pranasana need my personal information?
To provide you with care, Pranasana needs some data from you. This is personal data, data about your doctor and medical data. This information is necessary to be able to give you the right therapy. The data will only be used for this purpose and this data will never be shared or made available to third parties without your permission (unless this is required by Dutch law, see also the General Terms and Conditions ).
What personal information does Pranasana store about me when I come for therapy?
Before you can come to therapy, the practice will in any case process the following personal data about you:
- Names (first name, last name and any other names)
- Address data
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Phone number
- E-mail address
What other information does Pranasana store about me when I come for therapy?
Before you can come to therapy, the practice also processes the following data:
- Information about your health insurance, including name, type of insurance (basic, additional, etc.) and your policy number
- Information about your GP (I never approach your GP without your permission)
What medical information does Pranasana store about me when I come for therapy?
In order to be able to provide you with good care, it is of course necessary that the therapist has a good idea of your care request. To do this, you need to fill in an intake form. You can find an example here. This intake form contains medical information about you, such as information about:
- Your physical, mental and spiritual well-being
- Your medical history
- Your lifestyle (including eating and drinking patterns, drug use, addictions, etc.)
View the example intake form for a complete overview.
You decide which data you share with the practice. Of course, the quality of care depends on the completeness of the information you provide about your care request and its context.
You must give Pranasana permission to process your data
For the processing of your data as described above, I request your permission in advance by means of a form. For persons under the age of 18, I also request permission from a parent or guardian.
How long does the practice keep my data?
In the Netherlands, medical records are subject to a retention obligation of 20 years. Pranasana complies with that. According to the WGBO Act you do have the so-called ‘right of destruction’, which means that you may request that I destroy (parts of) your medical file. This may have consequences for your therapy in the future; without your data, it may not be possible (any longer) to provide good care in the future.
The retention obligation of 20 years does not apply to your other data. Pranasana will therefore destroy this data, three months (or less) after your therapy has ended, unless you have explicitly indicated that you want to use the services of the practice again in the future – or if you want the practice to save your data for a longer time for other reasons. For this I ask that you sign again for permission.
Can I view my own data?
You can always view which data Pranasana has saved about you. You may also have this data adjusted or removed (do read the provision about the retention period).
Can others view my (medical) data?
The short answer is: no. Unless there is a serious situation (such as a crime or the intention to commit suicide) or there is a conflict with Dutch law. See also the article Confidentiality and professional secrecy in the General Terms and Conditions.
What does Pranasana do to keep my (digital) data safe?
Pranasana takes great care in the security of your data. All your data is stored encrypted in multiple secure locations (which are each other’s backup). Measures have been applied against misuse, loss, theft and unauthorized access, alteration or destruction of your data. The latest insights in the field of data security are applied (I also work in IT). Of course, no announcements are made about exact measures.
The same concern for security applies to the e-mail traffic between you and the therapist and the data that you may leave behind on this website. This website is on a Dutch server and is managed by a reliable Dutch company with an excellent track record (TransIP). Pranasana follows all directions and suggestions of this company with regard to data security and always opts for the highest possible degree of security.
What information does this website collect from me?
Every website uses so-called cookies; these are pieces of information about your visit that the website stores on the device you use to visit this website. There are three types of cookies: functional cookies (necessary for the website to function properly), analytical cookies (these are used to determine on an anonymous basis who the audience of the website is) and tracking cookies (these are used to determine on an anonymous basis what visitors do at the website, for example: what pages they look at and for how long). Praktijk Pranasana also uses these cookies to optimize its services.
If you do not want this, you can indicate this on your first visit to the website. Please note: if you do so, the website may work less well for you. You can also use a plugin in your browser that blocks cookies. Finally, you can delete all cookies in your browser.