What does an energy treatment look like?

During an energy treatment I read and influence your energy field in order to balance your body and mind. This allows for peace and relaxation and it appeals to the self-healing capacity of your body.

Before the energy treatment

Prior to the energy treatment there is always a short conversation. I will then try to clarify your request for help together with you and together we will explore the possible causes of your complaint. I look holistically at you as a whole and also include your behavior and living conditions. For example, we also look at how your week has been, whether something has happened that could have influenced your complaint, how you deal with your complaint, etc. We also discuss what you need most at that moment so that I can focus on that during the treatment.

During the energy treatment

During the treatment you lie on a table and you don’t have to do anything other than relax. For about 40 minutes I work on your energy body. I put my hands in fixed positions on your body. I always ask in advance if you are okay with that touch. Most clients feel the energy I give them as a slight tingling through their body, or they describe it as warmth or a kind of magnetism.

Some clients experience nothing at all during the treatment, but perhaps later when they are at home. Others suddenly become very emotional, or have physical reactions such as being suddenly very tired, shivering, sweating or shocking. These are all very normal reactions and a sign that the body is responding to the therapy.

During the treatment you can indicate if a sensation becomes too much for you or if you notice something else (a thought, an emotion, a feeling) that may be important. Most clients choose to say nothing at all, or to take a nap.

Clothing remains on during the treatment and no oil or cream is used.
It is pleasant to wear comfortable clothing.

After the energy treatment

An energy treatment will continue to work for a while. It is possible that your complaints first increase before they decrease, I sometimes see that with fears or anxiety. It happens that clients feel little or nothing during the treatment, but afterwards a lot. A frequently heard effect is that people feel very clear minded after a treatment, in other words: a nice ‘zen feeling’!

After the treatment it is good not to exert too much effort and to drink a lot (no alcohol, preferably water).

The general recommendation is to continue to drink plenty of water in the days following the treatment.
For adults, 1.5 to 2 liters per day is recommended anyway.

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