Energy therapy reviews

What do other people think about their visit to Pranasana? Read their experiences with energy therapy here.

Below you can read reviews from other clients. Have you been to the practice yourself and would you like to share something about it? Reviews are always welcome!

Pranasana Lotus Pink

Gerda — August 2024
I have to say that the long-term effect feels really good: I have more confidence and motivation to tackle things! In short, less apathy.

Pranasana Lotus Light Green

Bernadette — March 2024
I experienced Xavier’s treatments as very pleasant. What I like extra is that he works in both the emotional/energy world and the rational and logical world. His experience and recognition help me to better integrate my emotional side into my daily (working) life.

Pranasana Lotus Light Green
Hilde — November 2023 In my opinion, an energy treatment from Xavier is highly recommended. Xavier is a very nice and committed person, he listens well and gives good advice. He makes you feel seen and understood.

The treatment itself is pleasant and relaxing. I was very curious beforehand whether I would actually be able to feel what it does for me. Well, I sure did! The effect is immediately noticeable for me. Immediately when I leave the practice my legs feel heavy, which I really like, because I often spend too much time in my head. And in the days after the treatment I feel more balanced, more grounded and much more comfortable in my own skin. So it’s a really valuable treatment!
Pranasana Lotus Purple
Maria — August 2023 While running I suffered a torn muscle in my right knee. I felt a sharp pain and the knee immediately became very swollen. It was not possible to cool the knee quickly and the knee started to feel very hot and burning. This miserable feeling persisted, day and night, so sleeping well was no longer possible. I called Xavier and asked if he could also treat me remotely. That turned out to be possible. And how! After just 1 treatment, the burning pain disappeared immediately and I could sleep normally again. I then received another remote treatment and then another in his practice. The full recovery of the knee took another six weeks or so, but that miserable pain was gone and I’m sure that the recovery has gone a lot faster due to the energy treatments. Thank you very much Xavier! I warmly recommend you!
Pranasana Lotus Green
Paul Vromen — March 2022 From the moment you meet Xavier you know: I feel at home here, I am safe here. Xavier is grounded and also empathetic and very curious about who you are. As a highly sensitive person, I noticed almost immediately that I had the click with Xavier that I needed to be able to be vulnerable. I finally felt understood. The many conversations we have had have not only given me a lot of self-insight, they have also taught me to look at myself with more love. Xavier’s energetic sessions are a gift for me that I can look forward to. A blessing for body and mind. And when I was about to get stuck in my daily functioning due to an excess of tension and overstimulation, they sure gave me the resilience, space and energy to be able to continue. After many sessions I felt reborn. I felt a newfound love, harmony and appreciation for life around us: the sense of oneness with the universe. The issues of the day often make us lose sight of this, but after a session you realize: this is who you really are.
Pranasana Lotus Pink
Ginny Abbink — March 2022 When I first heard about “energy therapy” a year ago, I was quite skeptical. It sounded pretty vague to me and I’m a pretty down-to-earth person. On Saturday March 5, I actually had a treatment from Xavier, and I have to come back to that. My opinion on this has really turned 180 degrees. I felt super “zen” and super calm after the treatment. I have to admit that I haven’t been able to relax so well in a long time! (I also have to admit that it was so relaxing that I even fell asleep for a large part of the treatment… 🙂 and that’s a positive for me, because I don’t sleep very well). Personally, I especially felt a warm, tingling glow and a deep calm come over me during the treatment, literally like a nice, warm bath. Small detail: I have a mild form of ADHD and honestly had the feeling that my head felt much less “chaotic” after the treatment and that I felt much calmer. Other people too said that I was much more quiet that day. Xavier is very professional, puts you at ease and also asks politely whether you are okay with touching, for example, the feet or shoulders during the treatment. He has a beautiful, warm “zen” voice that makes you feel calm very quickly. The space is beautifully light and closed off from the rest of the rooms and the treatment table is very comfortable, as it turned out. Bottom line: I would really recommend treatment with Xavier to everyone, because you are definitely in good hands with him. And I would especially say to the skeptics among us: try it out for yourself and experience it for yourself!
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