Every living being has an energy body in addition to a physical body. Like almost everything in nature, this body is also well organized. It is divided into all kinds of nodes that are connected to each other. We call the most important nodes the chakras. We call the connections the meridians. In very old civilizations we already come across images of the chakras; so knowledge of the chakras is definitely nothing new. Chinese medicine also works a lot with the energy body, for example acupuncture or acupressure. Knowledge of the system of the chakras is very valuable, because by influencing the energy body healing can be initiated on a physical, emotional and mental level.
What is a chakra?
A chakra is a node in the energy body. You could say: a distribution station. It can receive energy, it can leak energy and it distributes energy throughout the system. The word chakra means wheel. Like a wheel, a chakra spins. Each chakra has one or two funnels through which the chakra ‘communicates’ with the environment and through which it exchanges energy.
The seven main chakras
There are seven main chakras in the body. We always count the chakras from bottom to top. The seven main chakras are connected to many smaller chakras. These are in turn connected to numerous even smaller nodes. These small nodes are used for puncturing during acupuncture.
Each chakra is connected to certain parts of your body, to certain mental or emotional aspects and to certain themes. There is always a logical connection between them. If a chakra is not healthy, you will see it reflected in the corresponding parts of your body or mind and vice versa.
The chakras 2 to 6 have two funnels; one pointing forward and one pointing backward. The front funnels are about feeling, the back funnels are about will.
The seven chakras develop in certain stages of life. If that phase of life is disrupted, the development of the corresponding chakra often does not go well either and you can sometimes see the result of that for a lifetime.
Everything in nature strives for balance, which is called homeostasis. Chakras are healthy if they work in a balanced way, and there is an ideal balance between body and mind, inner and outer world, spiritual development and earthly needs.
Healthy and unhealthy chakras
Direction of rotation
Healthy chakras rotate very quickly, changing direction every time. One direction should be dominant and that direction is divided alternately per chakra. So if one chakra rotates counterclockwise, the next one rotates clockwise, etc. The ‘turning back’ of a chakra is done so that energy can be drained. If the dominant direction of rotation is reversed, or if the alternation between forward and backward rotation is disturbed, a chakra will not function optimally.
Healthy chakras have a balance between the amount of energy that flows in and out through the funnels. A chakra that holds too much energy is called excessive. A chakra that is too weak is called deficient. We call a chakra that is sometimes excessive and then deficient again ‘paradoxical’.
An excessive chakra indicates overcompensation on the theme the chakra is about. A deficient chakra indicates avoidance of the associated theme.
The funnels of the chakras may be deformed. This usually points to a (serious) developmental disturbance as a child during the phase in which the chakra was formed.
Chakra healing
You can come to my Pranasana practice for a chakra healing. I can bring the chakras back into balance. Deficient chakras I stimulate, excessive chakras I slow down. Because I can feel what the condition of the chakras is, I can tell you more about the causes of the (possible) imbalance in your chakras. In addition to rest, a chakra healing also provides a lot of insight. It is precisely through the combination of more self-knowledge and peace of mind that you can then start working on the causes yourself.
Because it is not the case that balancing the chakras solves the problems immediately and permanently. Compare it with the MOT of a car. If I see that the rear tires are bald every time, I can put new tires on them and point out that the rear tires wear out way too quickly. But only when you learn to drive more calmly and not to drift in every corner, you solve the problem structurally.
The seven chakras in detail
There is a lot to say about the chakras. Thick books have been written about chakra psychology. In the next seven paragraphs we will briefly review the seven main chakras. Between parentheses is the Sanskrit name of each chakra.
The first chakra: the root chakra (Muladhara)
The first chakra is called the Root chakra and is located at your perineum, which is between your genitals and the anus. He has one funnel pointing to Earth. This chakra is closest to the earth and deals with the most earthly needs: food security, survival, safety, security and self-confidence. This also includes setting boundaries. In the body, this chakra corresponds to the feet, buttocks, legs, bones and teeth: basically everything that carries and supports you, the harder parts. The color of this chakra is red. Red is also the most dense or heavy color in the color spectrum.
The second chakra: the sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)
The second chakra is popularly referred to as the sex chakra, although that is by no means the only thing this chakra is about. This chakra is also about creativity, emotions, movement and change. In the body, this chakra is connected to all fluids, from blood and saliva to semen and urine. The reproductive organs are also linked to this chakra. The color of this chakra is orange.
The third chakra: the Solar Plexus (Manipura)
The third chakra is also known as the seat of the ego. This chakra is about your own will and the power you have over yourself. It is where your impressions come in and where your fire for life is located. In the body, this chakra is, among other things, connected to digestion (that is also combustion). The color of this chakra is yellow.
The fourth charka: the heart chakra (Anahata)
The fourth chakra is located in the center of your chest and is called the heart chakra. This chakra is about love (including self love), relationships, balance and compassion. Healing is also connected to this chakra. In the body, this chakra is mainly related to the heart and also the thymus. The color of this chakra is green.
The fifth chakra: the Throat Chakra (Vishudha)
The fifth chakra is located at the level of the throat and is about communication. This includes speaking the truth, expressing emotions and creativity. In the body, this chakra is connected to the ears and glands. The color of this chakra is sky blue.
The sixth chakra: the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
The third eye chakra is located on the bridge of the nose between the eyes. This chakra is about sight as well as insight. For example, it is also about being able to look ahead, being able to see things through, intuition and self-reflection. In the body, this chakra is linked to the eyes, cerebellum, face, and nervous system. The color of this chakra is indigo.
The seventh chakra: the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Finally, the seventh chakra is located at the crown of your head. This chakra is about consciousness, thinking, spirituality, spiritual growth and your connection to the cosmos, God, or whatever you want to call the higher for yourself. In the body, this chakra is connected to the entire organism, in particular the cerebral cortex and the pituitary gland. The color of this chakra is perceived differently; it mainly varies between violet and white.
Pretty logical
The system of the chakras seems very complicated, but it is actually quite logical. For example, the development of the chakras has a sequence; it starts at the root chakra and ends at the crown chakra. De spirituele en geestelijke ontwikkeling van een mens volgt ook weer deze volgorde. The spiritual and spiritual development of a human being also follows this sequence. If you always have to be busy with survival (the first chakra) then you usually don’t get to higher spiritual insights (the 7th and 6th chakra). But if you have one chakra in order (and have the opportunity to do so) then the way is clear to the next.
The themes become less and less tangible as you move from bottom to top. It starts with ‘eating’, and it ends with high spiritual truths. This is also reflected in the colours. Red is the densest color with the lowest frequency. Violet/white are the colors with the highest frequency.
The base should flow from the bottom up and the high insights from the top down. Because you can have such a brilliant insight (6th chakra), but if you don’t convert that into actions (the lower chakras) then it won’t help you much and you can start floating. Everything comes together in the heart chakra.
You are never done developing. People who work really hard on themselves go through the entire chakra system twice in their lives; they do the whole round again but at a higher level. There is no right or wrong here; better or worse. Most people only touch a few chakras a second time. For example, you can see that children with the heart chakra unfolding for the first time start showing empathy for others. With adults who are in their ‘second round’ you often see them developing an interest for charities or voluntary work, and they want to commit themselves more to society.
Are you interested in chakras and would you like to take a deep dive yourself? Then I recommend the book ‘Eastern Body, Western Mind’ by Annodea Judith. She has described the system very clearly and extensively. Do you want to work on your chakras yourself? Then I warmly invite you to my practice Pranasana in Utrecht. Contact me or first read what an energy treatment looks like. Maybe you are already interested in what the cost are and if you can get reimbursed.